Creating our perfect home is no easy task and it can take a lot of steep learning curves and mistakes to make a space we are truly happy with. There are some things though that are often overlooked until we learn the hard way, so I thought I'd share a few home decor mistakes that happen time and time again, so that you can skip the hard bit and fast forward to your perfect decor!
Clutter is easy for all of us to accumulate, and it happens quickly especially once children are in the picture. Too much clutter can be stressful, but it can also be what's making your room just not feel quite right and may well be that one thing you just can't quite put your finger on. Of course we want our homes to be practical, but we also want them to look pretty, and this is often where the clutter creeps in. Having items that serve a function is great, but you may be able to have them out of sight so they aren't on show. This may reduce some of the clutter that bothers your home. Also though, those pretty decorative items we somehow collect can also be a burden eventually, however much we love them. If you're a collector you may want to think of a proper way to display your treasures and with other decor items just think how many you really need in one space and if it's overcrowded, move them elsewhere. If you're in the early stages of creating your home, then plan your decor items carefully so that rooms don't become overpowered by these, so they can be enjoyed more and not overshadowed.
Furniture overload
I'm a sucker for a freebie and we have such a hodge podge of furniture it really does detract from some of the rooms that need upgrading. It's also pretty common to have too much furniture, such as three small sets of drawers instead of one large cupboard that will do the job of all three. Using the upwards space as well as floor space is well worth remembering too so that we can have higher more useful furniture that simply takes up less usable space. Instead of buying more furniture, maybe look at replacing things you have for something that functions better and truly serves the purpose its required to. Again, if you're just starting out, choose furniture carefully so you don't feel tempted to add more at a later date which could overcrowd your room.
Wrong rugs
Area rugs are such a great addition to literally any space, indoor and out. One mistake that people often make is buying the wrong size. Too big can be a problem unless it can sit nicely under furniture, but too small is something that just cannot work and will look daft. Usually people buy rugs that fit neatly in the middle of floors, but they are great for using to protect flooring from chairs in the dining and lounge areas, so go bigger if anything than smaller and you will see what a big difference it can make to your room when the sofa legs overlap the rug.
Not getting the light right
Lighting is a huge huge part of any room decor and it can make a big difference to the look and feel of the room as well as affecting how we perceive the size and space. As a general rule we want one decent light source that adequately brightens the room. You may want to add a dimmer switch to give more options through the day, but one good ceiling light is a must. Once you have your main light source, you may want to add splashes of extra light with small lamps, candles and maybe even your fireplace, but these should be more for decoration that purpose. Be sure to utilise natural light in the day too and avoid the biggest mistake which is to focus on lots of small lights instead one consistent glow.
Hanging curtains too low or blacking out
One great tip for truly elongating your room is to hang your curtains as high as you can. Traditionally, curtain rails would sit just above the window frame, but by raising the rails up to around 4 inches from the ceiling you can make your walls and windows appear longer as they guide the eyes upwards and break up the room less. Also, many people opt for black out curtains which can be great in kids rooms to keep them cosy, but in other areas of the house can make them feel gloomy and dark, when a more lighter more sheer fabric or single layer curtain could do the job but also let in light when needed. If you need thicker curtains to retain heat, then opt for lined curtains for the extra layer of heat retention, without being as heavy and solid as black out options.
I could go on and on with home decor mistakes, many of which I've made myself and learnt the hard way, but hopefully this first five will help you get off to a good start or correct some areas that aren't working, without too much trouble.