Thursday, December 22, 2022

Mama Life || Getting Ready For Your Child Starting School

Mama Life - Collaboative Post

Your child starting school is one of the biggest events in their life and one of the biggest in yours as well. It’s a good idea to try and come up with ideas that are going to help you prepare for your child starting school, which can make the whole process much easier. Make some plans that will help you focus on this moving forward and try to think about the best ways of helping improve the transition for the whole family as much as possible. That first day of School is a special day in the calendar, and there are plenty of things that play a role in helping you to improve this process as well. Here are a few simple ideas that may help…


Prepare for the First Day

Preparing for your child to start school can be nerve-wracking and worrying, but this is also something that will have an enormous impact on their life, and on your entire family. The first day of school is a time that will be filled with excitement and trepidation, and there is a lot to unpack. As a mother, you have a few things to consider when your child starts school, and trying to make this work for you and your child is so important. You need to try to keep them enthusiastic about this as much as possible, and there are loads of excellent ideas that play a role in helping with this right now. With that first day also marking n end to the free spirited toddler days that came before, it can be a really emotional time for parents and kids too, so preparation and enthusiasm (no matter how much you need to fake it) are essential.

Become Au Fait With Their Timetable

Familiarising yourself with their timetable is another excellent approach you can take, and this will make a massive difference to the way in which you can approach school, and ease the stress on your child and yourself at the same time. It is important to come up with some ideas that will help you in this regard, and trying to make sure you focus on the upcoming timetable, as well as being able to prepare your child for it, can make a massive difference. School parent life is a whole other level, with so many dates to remember, things to pay for, meals to organise and a whole new level of tiredness for kids and parents too. Getting organised with the school timetable from the get go can really help.

Plan for Trips

Trips are part and parcel of the school process, and they are something you should encourage your child to take part in. One of the best ways of being able to get the right outcome from this is to plan for these trips in advance. There are so many different ideas that you can use that will help you when it comes to improving your child’s school trip, and prepping for something like geography field trips can make a big difference to the experience moving forward. Aside from the trip being educational and fun, they are also a new kind of independence for children and it can be a worry knowing they are away with school. It may be a good idea to do a few practice runs before they start school, letting them have a sleepover with a friend, doing day trips with family and just slowly getting used to that little bit of time apart, so that when school starts it’s less overwhelming for you all.

As you can see, there is plenty to think about when it comes to that first day and I think the more you can prepare for it, the less scary it will be all round. Just remember, none of us are perfect parents, and the main thing to remember is to do what you can to make the whole event less stressful for you all, and eventually you may just find yourself settling into the new schedule and maybe even enjoying a little time to yourself - even though most of us just end up working or doing chores!