Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Mama Life || Holiday Packing For An Unpredictable UK Summer

Caution - British person potentially complaining about the weather

We all joke about the British weather, with it snowing one minute and sauna hot the next, but this summer is really unpredictable isn't it? 

As I write this, one of my children is snuggled up with the cat under a huge fluffy blanket and the other is wearing a full on double layered dressing gown with a blanket on his knees - it's the first day of August in the school holidays. I too find my self switching between needing either a blanket or a cold blast from a fan most days, so needless to say that packing for our upcoming holiday to the Yorkshire coast is proving much fun. 

We're staying right on the beach, so I'm imagining windy wet weather, but who knows if a heat wave will strike or if we'll feel like we're holidaying in the arctic. So what do you pack, when quite frankly every kind of weather is a possibility?!

If you're heading to the UK for your holiday this summer too, here's how I've worked out what to pack, because although we don't know if we'll be sunbathing or skiing just yet, we can't bring everything we own, but we can try to pack savvy so we're covered whatever the weather.

Wet weather ready

The first thing to prepare for with any UK holiday is the rain. I'm not talking about simply packing a raincoat and wellies, although that's a good place to start. 

Pack wellies/sensible wet weather shoes for all the family, and make sure they're comfy and fit well before you go (yes, been there) and make sure you have at least one spare pair of shoes each too, for when one pair inevitably gets soaked through or washed out to sea! Also been there.

When packing your raincoats, pack a decent genuinely waterproof high quality coat that will keep you dry from the rain, without overheating. I love my Lighthouse raincoat for this reason, it's super lightweight, breathable but actually keeps me and my clothes dry underneath! Anything that saves on washing and keeps me warm is very welcome. Always take spare carrier bags for wet clothing, and if you have your beloved dog with you, remember a raincoat for them too, as well as a spare towel for those mucky paws. If you're an umbrella person, don't forget to pack that too, although personally I always find them more hassle than they are worth and the less weight I have to carry the better.

All about those layers

With the UK weather being utterly unpredictable, layering up is always your best bet for not being caught out if the sun decides to break out. I recommend always keeping your lower half warm enough but lightly dressed, no heavy jeans or super thick joggers, but lighter fabrics and comfy jerseys. for the top half, pack your tees and of course hoodies which are my favourite clothing item! There's nothing better than snuggling up in a hoodie after a beach day, they're the perfect middle layer aren't they?

Give everyone a bag

If you don't already, get the kids (and other halves) in the habit of having their own bag for days out. This means they can carry their own extra layers, coats and water bottles, saving us parents from being even more donkey like than usual. This also means that if the sun breaks out then everyone can pack their coats/jumpers away and carry them themselves - winner. There's nothing worse than being the one with the backpack when the sun comes out, so you'll thank me for this one!

Beach ready

If you're likely to be heading to the beach on your getaway, then I'd recommend packing a fold away beach tent above all else, as they're amazing whatever the weather. You may need it to shelter from a surprise rain shower, or to simply escape the wind or sun, but I always find it's our most useful beach item! pack spare tees to cover up from the sun if you're swimming, and always bring a bag for rubbish to help keep the beach clean too. Even though hot sun is unlikely this year it seems, I always make sure to pack a high factor sun cream/spray for all of us, as well as a pack-away water bowl for the dog and water bottles all round. If you take insulated bottles, then you can use it to stash a hot coffee in too for cooler days!

I think we have everything covered now, without bringing the kitchen sink! Do you think there's anything I've  missed? Let me know in comments if you have any other tips for packing for all weather holidays.