Friday, July 20, 2018

Mama Life || 10 Things I've Learnt This Week

After tragedy hit our friends family recently, it's really hit home how lucky I am and I've learnt how sometimes my head does not work well and I'm really bad for shoving blame on myself and making myself feel as bad as possible. I don't know why I do it and I've definitely learnt that it's something I need to work on. After a horrid week I thought I'd note down a few things I've learnt along the way and look at where I need to focus my attention when it comes to myself, my life and my family.

  1. Good friends are hard to find and quality is definitely more important than quantity when it comes to those we call friends.

  2. Life really is painfully short.

  3. Never to take anything for granted, even those  mundane things like school runs or extra time with the kids when they won't sleep.

  4. There are some very kind people in the world.

  5. Some people are still selfish and bad, even in the worst of times. 

  6. My family are everything and I really am blessed with my lot.

  7. Health is important, but weight isn't everything and in the grand scheme of things, when bad happens it becomes so trivial and irrelevant to what's important.

  8. The press can be truly heartless, caring only of their page hits and paper sales.

  9. I'm not a strong person and that's OK.

  10. When people pass on they leave the biggest holes in a lot of peoples hearts.

It's not been an easy time, I've been so proud of my friends and family that have helped out and amazed at how even in the saddest of times, people show their true colours and they're not always pretty. 

Have you had any big lessons this month?