Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Mama Life || Goals for the second half of 2018

When I set my goals for the new year, I have every intention of completing every single one. Usually I go back at the end of the year (because it flies by) and check back on what I managed to get done and what I didn't.

This year though, I thought I'd stop half way. I made some important goals, nothing that wasn't achievable and I thought seeing as there's still a fair chunk of this year left, I can look back and see what I need to catch up on. With lots going on personally, a huge problem with my site which is thankfully sorted, my blog has slipped back in my focus a little and I want to get back on track, smash those goals and prepare myself for a much better end of year review. I love working from home, but you do sometimes have to stop and give yourself a good old kick up the proverbial to keep on track.

Here's the goals I set myself for 2018-

1. Publish my book
This one I have left for a while but it's right up there on my list to get done. My aim is to have actual hard copies to go in the kids Christmas stockings! I have the stories, I started the pictures but now I've focused my drawing style a bit more I may redo them. Otherwise, I'm good to go.
2. Give my hair a break
I actually laughed out loud when I read this goal. I've had so many hair colours this year already and right now I'm back on a darker roots, natural ish colour and itching to bleach and go pink! The problem is I like my hair long and all that colouring and heat styling just makes it look awful. I am trying, but I've definitely not cured my love for hair tampering yet this year. Having seen this though, it is a good reminder that it is an ongoing problem and I should use that bored hair messing time on something more constructive and less hair murdery.
3. Join the gym
I joined the gym, I went really well for a month, I taught myself to swim and I gave no shits when wobbling around red faced, dripping with sweat while a photographer took pictures for the gym website. In a way I have smashed this goal, but after another niggle with my back, I haven't been in a while and really need to get into a routine.
4. Take a day off blogging
Done. I've taken many days off, too many days off and at some points weeks at a time. It's constantly on my mind though and hasn't helped. I do need to dedicate that one day a week to sit back with no laptop, but I'm yet to get there having had a rocky year blog wise and personally.
5. Declutter like a mad thing
Urgh. We've started, though the house looks as bad as ever and it's really tough. I did declutter the kids DVDs, got rid of some and ditched all our boxes opting for a disc wallet instead which saved heaps of space. We have loads to sort still and I'm hoping I can rope the kids in this summer and get stuck in.
6. Look after my skin
I've been great at this up until the past few weeks where the crazy heat and a little self neglect have taken it's toll. I do have some new products to try though which I'm really hoping will help get it back to looking healthier.
7. Book a holiday
We were lucky enough to return to Bluestone Wales a couple of weeks ago, so haven't booked anything else. We are off to stay in Devon hopefully in August but looking to book something like a Haven site for next year so we can pay it off in little bits.
8. Have more date nights
Failed. We went to a BBQ does that count?
9. Be more organised
Failed. I'm going to really try and sort myself out this summer so that when kids go back to school I'm on the ball with dates, times, remembering lunch orders, P.E kits and all that jazz. Right now though I'm the same disorganised mess I always have been, maybe that's just how I am? I'd love to change that though!
10. Curb the spending
Again, failed. We're either skint or spending like anything, I'm great at budgeting, just not great at working to it. We're getting to a point though where I feel I need to be earning more and may have to look for work soon, which is a great incentive to get savvier with money to make less of a need for an extra income.
11. Focus on my health
I've started, I no longer smoke (I have the odd one but never daily). I have joined the gym, I just need to get in the routine of going in the evening now it's summer. I'm trying to eat healthier and I'm a lot more conscious of binges which is usually my downfall.
12. Work on my photography
I've not done a great deal with this, but I can feel that I have improved, I think I have a pretty good eye for good lighting, creating a beautiful portrait and capturing our special moments. I still need to learn some more technical bits, but I'm on my way.
13. Sort our bedrooms
HAHAHAHAHAHA nothing else needs to be said.
14. Decorate the kitchen
We are having a new kitchen fitted next month, so it's finally happening!
15. Downsize kids art and creations
I'm yet to do this properly, but having got rid of the DVD's, I now have three big drawers to keep them in which has freed up a lot of other spaces where they were all tucked away, so I'm half way there.
16. Be myself
Yes to this! I just can't be arsed to be anything I'm not, I know I'm a very Marmite person and that's OK. I'd rather be comfortable happy and have a handful of friends than have to constantly keep up appearances for the sake of people that don't truly love me for who I am.
17. Make the garden usable 
We started, but until we finish the kitchen work we can't really get finished in the garden, as it would get trashed by plaster dust etc. We know what we want to do though, we've decluttered a little, taken up a patio and planted a few insect friendly plants to make it look a tiny bit better.
18. Do more of what makes us all happy
Having just gone through the most horrid experience of my life, I am living for this right now. I've done really well with this this year, I'm trying to pick my battles with the kids, say yes more and just tick things off the big list.

I'd say at the moment that I'd score myself about an 8.5 out of the 18 goals I set. I'm part way there with most, some are frankly laughable and some are smashed out the park, over the road and rolling down the road. This was a really good way to reset, to focus my energy on the right things and make sure I achieve those things I set out to do.

How are you doing with your 2018 goals?