Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Mama Life || Having Time To Think, Create & Relax

Right now like most people we're at home keeping our distance in the hope that this horrid virus moves on and the world can get back to normal. I would say we are trapped at home, but actually we are safely tucked away at home and very lucky to be this fortunate. While we're at home, there are so many people out there going to work, providing services we all rely on, the emergency services, bin men, shop workers, delivery drivers, teachers, so many people. These people are putting themselves and their families at a greater risk, all to keep the world running in the absence on normality and we are so grateful.

For us, we are lucky to be home, healthy and fed and it's been a real eye opener, giving me time to think, breathe and even feel relaxed. As bad as it sounds with all this going on, I think I feel the best I've felt in ages today. It no longer matters what day it is (apart from Adam who is working hard upstairs throughout!) so we are able to do things we enjoy, spend time doing things we can't do normally and enjoy this time we have together, all together. We've done some school work and the kids have really enjoyed it, but we've also just sat, danced to good music, spent hours painting, watching films and everything in between.

I've enjoyed the feeling of genuine relaxation. At times where I feel stress or anxiety kicking in, I retreat to somewhere quiet and complete a short meditation using an app I have on my phone or got stuck into some tidying or creative tasks. I've even had time to do a proper pampering which is nice as I usually neglect myself a lot. I always wish for everything we have right now (aside from everything that's going on outside this house) so there is no way I'm wasting it worrying or stressing about things I may not even need to.

Venturing out to the shop for food a couple of times I do feel very nervous, if only we could see the virus germs life would be so much easier! But for once, rushing home and staying there feels so good, I don't feel trapped at all which was the thing I thought would drive me crazy. The kids seem to be getting on better than ever and giving eachother/us space when needed, so up til now things have been pretty lovely. 

This evening while the kids snuggled up watching Disney movies and playing Fortnite together, I went back to our painting table to paint on canvas with acrylics listening to Bob Marley, feeling absolutely amazing. I feel like I never get time like this as I'd feel I'm neglecting someone, so to do this guilt free and get peaceful fun creative time by myself was great. I'm getting lots of time to think to and when life just moves along so quickly normally, I feel really lucky that we have this time to stop, think and realise what we have and count our blessings. As someone that's suffered with anxiety, depression and stress on and off for years, this, however brief is a very welcome relief. We don't know how long this could go on for, but all of a sudden it doesn't feel too bad. 

How are you and yours getting on so far?