I've had a set of embroidery hoops knocking about in a drawer for years now and never got round to using them. In my continuing attempt to declutter, my craft supplies are on the hit list as I've got heaps stashed away and very little time or inclination to use it all. I'm forever collecting supplies for new crafts which never get finished or sometimes even started, so when I stumbled across these hoops I decided to use them for something different to the original embroidery I had planned.
On a recent trip to Ikea I found this gorgeous palm leaf fabric and a beautiful geometric chevron fabric in a similar colour. I remembered my hoops and thought this would be a great use for them, instantly making a super simple but nice looking display for my bedroom wall and something a little different to the old canvas we had there. I have loads of fabric left so I'm hoping to make some matching bed cushions at some point too when I get the sewing machine out.
I absolutely love these fabrics and I may even invest in a few more hoops in different sizes to crowd it out a little more. If you've not tried Ikea fabric before then it's well worth a visit and checking them out. They have all sorts from bold stripes, to ditsy flowers and then some stunning patterns like this that are only about £5 a metre and double width, super thick high quality fabric too. As soon as you see it, it inspires you to get sewing again! (Oh and they do lay flat, we just have a wavy wall!)
These took just a few minutes to make, but I did use a glue gun to flatten the back town so they hung on the wall better. All in all though, about 20 minutes of creating in total and I really love them.
Have you made anything for your home lately?