Thursday, November 28, 2019

Life || November

Everyone is so excited about Christmas but for me it still feels very far away and for some reason I don't feel much excitement about the decorating and shopping like I normally do. I think the decorations are winding me up as our cat is peeing everywhere at the moment, he has just gone all scared and jumpy so decides to use the house as a toilet and it's so stressful it's unreal. The vet says it's nothing medical, but in a way I wish it was so we could fix it. The presents will maybe feel better when we get some birthdays out the way and have a bit more cash. We've also been desperately trying to clear the house out a bit, so the thought of even more toys and stuff does feel a bit bleughh.

I was made permanent in my job this week which is great as we really need the money and I love working with kids. My job takes up a big chunk of the day though so I'm back to working on my blog and other projects in the evenings which isn't ideal, but I know it won't be forever. We're making lots of plans for December which is already looking like a super busy month!

I've not had much time to get creative with my book illustrations or prints, but I have lots of started projects which will hopefully be ready to show soon. I'm loving my job but so missing my full days of being able to do more work at home! Here's a bit more about November...

Wearing - I've invested in a fluff collar denim jacket which I really love for milder days, as well as teddy bear fluff hat which although my husband hates, I love it! I've not really been shopping much but I am really enjoying getting back into winter clothes and layering up. I've also dyed my hair dark which I'm really liking this time round. I think because it instantly looks a bit healthier and it's all one colour to the roots which is much better.

Food & Drink - I've had a mixed month with a diet trial at the start, a trial Christmas dinner later on and days of eating very little versus binge type days. I just can't seem to get it right, so until the new year I'm just going to try and eat normally, not deny myself anything and try get a hold on the binges again. Come January I really want to get a grip with my health as it is something that worries me.

Watched - In November we've been glued to the Apprentice which is equally entertaining and frustrating in one. We've watched the first two Harry Potter films (I know, late to the party) and we are all pretty hooked on that. In my breaks at home I've been watching Teen Mum UK on Prime and Ugly Betty. On Netflix I've been watching the cheese that is Riverdale and catching up with The Good Place. My favourite has been teen mums which is totally addictive reality TV.

Disliked - November has unsurprisingly been full of political nonsense coming from every angle. Although discussion is a good thing, people name calling, ditching friends and falling out over their opinions is just vile.

Loved - In November I've loved having the darker evenings and cosy sofa time with the kids. We've just started watching all the Harry Potter films and are loving our lazy film days on the weekend.

Most popular blog post - My most read/shared posts published in November were;

Favourite Photo - A favourite from November was this icy leaf snap from the first iced up morning this winter. The kids were so excited by the crunchy grass and everything looked so sparkly and pretty.

So that was November for me, how was yours?