Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Super Cute Valentine's Gifts!

Oh, hello Valentines Day!

As the left overs from Christmas have finally made their disappearance and we try and ignore the ever increasing amount of Easter goodies on sale (apart from the Cadbury's cream eggs of course), it's time to look to Valentine's day, thinking up some simple gift ideas to keep those we love, smiling on the special day. It's not all about gifts of course, a handmade card or simple photo can mean the world to somebody; but if you'd like a little token or something to give on the day, I love these little treats, so thought I would share the cutest selection I could find. I love them all for different reasons, but my absolute favourite is the book in the centre - Why I Love You: A Journal of Us  it's just the sweetest idea to fill it out for your loved one or complete it together. It's so easy to forget the good times so I am all for keeping notes of our years together. Enjoy!

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