Today marks the 100 year anniversary of the day women were finally granted the right to vote. In what's really not that long ago and even within my own late grandmother's lifetime, women were not eligible to vote. It's mind blowing isn't it?
Although there's still some unbalance when it comes to gender, rights wise we are in a far better place and we have to thank those wonderful women that battled endlessly for us all. Needless to say, the battle for equality continues each and every day, but we have come a long way. Those women were so brave and courageous and changed the lives of women forever.
This makes today the perfect day to celebrate women, to celebrate all the things we are achieving. As well as being wives and mothers, we're leading the country, we're sitting in parliament, we're running our own businesses around our families and it's totally unimaginable to think what life would have been like for us women 100 years ago. Imagine thinking what a terrible job the government are doing but not even being able to try and change that with a vote?
Credit//Museum of London |
To celebrate women today, I thought I'd share some of my favourite and most inspiring women and female bloggers with you. These women are actively doing things for themselves that at one time would not have been possible, they're inspiring others, they're helping people and showing our children that gender does not dictate our rights to the life we want to lead. Although we have some way to go before things are truly equal, especially when it comes to the mindset of many, we have to make the most of what we are open to now and not take our freedom for granted.
3 Inspiring women
JK Rowling - If you know her story, then you'll know what a huge inspiration she is and a true story of hard work, determination and never giving up on your dreams, whatever gets in your way.
Dame Zandra Rhodes - Dame Zandra is a fashion designer that stuck to her guns when the industry shied away from her bold 'outrageous' designs. She found ways to do what she dreamt of and let nobody get in her way.
Aretha Franklin - Aretha is one of my favourite people in the world. I adore her timeless uplifting music and love that she found something she was so passionate about that she just carries on entertaining and enjoying herself.
Aretha Franklin - Aretha is one of my favourite people in the world. I adore her timeless uplifting music and love that she found something she was so passionate about that she just carries on entertaining and enjoying herself.
Favourite female bloggers
Honest Mum - An insight into this beautiful Mamas life, packed with fun, family and luxury. I love Vicki's recipes, she has the best hair and is a real hard working mother, totally smashing her career.
Whimsical Mumblings - Sarah is a down to earth gorgeous person inside and out. Working around her young children, she shares wonderful crafts, relate-able musings and tons of great tips for Mums.
Whimsical Mumblings - Sarah is a down to earth gorgeous person inside and out. Working around her young children, she shares wonderful crafts, relate-able musings and tons of great tips for Mums.
What Katy Said - Katy's blog is so lovely, I don't think Katy knows how great she is and she's really transforming herself in every way all thanks to her hard work through her blog. Katy shares tips to get your house in order and helps Mums find themselves again.
You Baby Me Mummy - Aby is a big help to so many bloggers. A truly inspiring mum boss, with her own Mamapreneur revolution, helping Mum bloggers and business owners smash the online world and achieve their dreams. With a daily dose of motivation via her live Facebook chats and emails, she really does give you a boost.
Falcondale Life - Janet's blog is all about travel, family and lifestyle, with some beautiful photography thrown in the mix too. I love this blog as it's just an open and honest account of family life, packed full of adventure and just like having a chat with a friend in every post.
Falcondale Life - Janet's blog is all about travel, family and lifestyle, with some beautiful photography thrown in the mix too. I love this blog as it's just an open and honest account of family life, packed full of adventure and just like having a chat with a friend in every post.
Quite Frankly She Said - Sian is a beautiful lady with a gorgeous family, she blogs about parenting and lifestyle and just beams style. The main thing I love about Sian and her blog is that she talks honestly and writes in such a lovely easy to read/relate to way.
Hello Beautiful Bear - The thing I love most about Lucy and her blog, is that she really stays true to herself. Lucy loves alternative clothing and music and isn't afraid to talk proudly about it, along with vegan inspo and eco friendly lifestyle tips.
Happy 100 years, here's to the next 100 and smashing more boundaries!