Mama Life || Collaborative Post
It's a scary world when your two-year-old child knows how to do more on your phone than you do. Using technology comes naturally to kids these days when adults are still struggling with some of the basics. Then the moment you think you're on board, it turns out the kids aren't even using Facebook anymore, they're onto the next thing, and you have to keep up with that - TikTok anyone? Technology is developing faster than anyone can keep up with, but if you can grasp some of it, know what's 'trending', what your kids are up to and what a few of the terms they're using mean, it will make your life a lot easier.
Video Tutorials
While there are tonnes and tonnes of tech tutorials on YouTube, even that could be a stretch if you don't know what you're looking for or how to get on it. But don't be scared if you go wrong, you can go back. All you need to do is to go to YouTube and in the search box at the top, type in 'How To Get Bullet Points on Word', or whatever it is you want to know how to do. The answer will be there. If you have seen that it can be done, then you can do it to you just need to know which menu to go to. YouTube is quickly becoming the second most popular search engine, with people wanting quick easy instructions and tips, as well as becoming a kids favourite for online entertainment.
Taking A Screenshot
If you're not sure what a screenshot is, it is a photo of what you're looking at currently on your screen and is one of the most useful things to learn on any device. So for example, if you are looking at a pair of shoes on a website, you can take a photo of the screen if you want to send it to someone, or quickly view it again later. You can do this on all devices but each has a different way of doing it, for example on my Motorola mobile, I have to hold down the power button and down volume at the same time. To do it on a mac you can find out here for any other devices, follow the instructions above for YouTube and you'll find a video to help.
Understanding Instagram
If you've not heard of Instagram, where have you been for starters? The picture and video sharing app is so popular now, kids are choosing it over Facebook and it's my favourite of the social media apps. Instagram allows people to post content on their profile grid or to their stories, which last 24 hours, send private messages and edit photographs. You can follow your friends, family, celebrities and companies on Instagram, which also has a live streaming and 'TV' feature.
Getting to Grips With Privacy Settings?
If you have young children who like to explore the Internet, then you need to keep them safe even more so, and for this you will need to look firstly at your privacy settings. There are different settings for each thing you are using, from your TV, tablet, phone and computer. Take a look at sites like Stay Safe Online to find the right settings for what you're using. Obviously, you don't want your children to know certain passwords, but if they tell you about a new app or game they want to go on, then it's a good idea to explore apps, sites and games together. If you decide it's not appropriate, then make sure you explain your reasons why. You might decide it's okay for your child to use if so do some Googling and make it as safe as possible for them. You could even opt for specific kid tablets and it's worth searching for kids versions of popular apps like YouTube to prevent them seeing things they shouldn't from the off.
Whatever tech your kids or grand kids are into, there's heaps of help online to get you all clued up on the latest apps, updates and trends with kids and teens. It's a good idea to be as clued up as possible so you can give the kids the freedom they need while keeping them safer online.