This post is going out a little earlier than planned, but with Christmas in view I'm ready now to sign off and relax a little over the next week or so. Basically, face dive anything edible that should come in my path! The scales have been put away until new year, when I will get back on track completely. I love the variety of food at Christmas and usually feel more than ready to get back on it after all that extra sugar!
I was diagnosed recently with a kind of arthritis, so the plan to lighten my body mass is definitely ongoing, as the less weight I have, the less pressure will fall on my joints so I'd be silly to let things slide. I am ending the year with a loss of around five stone, with around 3-4 still to go, so I have plenty to get cracking with next year!
I also have a few things in the pipeline with certain weight loss brands, from trials to giveaways in the new year so I will keep the blog updated with those. As usual I'll just have a quick look back at last month's goals, this one was simple;
Although the next week has lots of mince pie potential, so far I have had just two! There just may be a pack of twelve mini ones in the kitchen, but that's another story...
So that's it on the diet front for 2015. A huge thank you to everyone that has followed me, supported me on Instagram, provided me with products to trial and motivated me along the way. I feel so much better so far with better breathing, a lot less pain and a shed load more body confidence. The support has done wonders for my motivation so I appreciate every single bit however small. Let's see what the next year brings!
Merry Christmas