Sunday, January 08, 2017

Happy Days List

Happy days list...

The first week back to reality after Christmas is always a tough one, so needless to say it hasn't been the best week ever, but it did have a few highlights for my happy days list this week.

Makeup - I've loved experimenting with makeup again, finding new products and watching tutorials so I know how to use them. It feels like being a teenager all over again, though with less blue eye shadow!

Brilliant husband - My husband is always pretty amazing but just lately he has been great, really accepting of me and my rubbish back pain, extra helpful with the kids and just being an all round goody.

Drawing - I love that I'm drawing again and have something else to relax with and occupy my evenings. This week I've been drawing sea creatures and looking into selling prints.

Weight loss - I gained 5 lbs at Christmas as well as over two stone last year! Last week I got back on track and lost 5lbs which I was really happy with. Onwards and downwards!

Blogging - I was a little worried about blogging in the new year and although it's pretty quiet with work posts, I am enjoying just blogging for myself for a little while and getting back to basics.

OK school runs - As you know I hate the school run, well this first week back I was dreading but luckily they weren't too bad. I have started aiming to leave the house 15 minutes earlier than we were, sorted Alf's uniform so he just has one drawer to get his clothes from and getting Soph ready super early as she likes to fuss last minute!

Now I just need the kids to stop being poorly, the weather to be a bit less frosty and some sort of house cleaning fairy and I'll be on to a winner.

Have a good week!

What Katy Said
You Baby Me Mummy