Alf, Soph & JCB Kids
As ambassadors for JCB, we have already been lucky enough to try out a huge range of their kids products, much to the delight of my two! We met the JCB Kids team last year and were pleased to be invited on board for their ambassador program, getting the chance to learn all about the brand, the products and getting to share them here too.
Alf has always been a huge fan of diggers and all things Mighty Machines (he is addicted to that show!), whatever it is that captivates him so much has now been passed on to his little sister Soph and together they have lots of role play fun playing builders in the house and outside when it's a little sunnier.
This year we've had a fair few additions for the kids to put through their paces in the form of toy diggers, play sets and more. I thought I'd share some of the items we've been trying out and show just how vast this range is now! If your kid is into diggers and machinery then they will love what's on offer right now from JCB Kids. We just can't wait for some more good weather so we can take our diggers somewhere a little more exciting!
For rainy days
For those rainy days or days when quite frankly, you want to chill out in the comfort of your own home, JCB has it covered with their fab collection of fold out play books and our favourite - the building site set. These sets are great for toddlers with mini diggers and all things building site. Alf is 5 and still loves playing with these and these two act out little scenes with them which is really cute.
For young toddlers or older babies, there are items like this book and plush set. A soft simple digger plush, with all the fun and colour of the bigger toys but totally safe and comforting alongside a little story. This would be a lovely first birthday gift or as part of a building themed sensory basket.
For out door muddy fun
When the weather improves, these sturdy plastic diggers can make their way to the garden to get stuck into mud, sand and all that fun stuff! These are easy to clean, fun to use and perfect for little (but heavy) hands to play their budding builder games and make a little mess. There are lots of bigger outdoor toys such as sit on diggers too, so if they fancy a bit more of a venture into the world of destruction construction then that's OK too.
Out & About
For days out, the JCB activity books are perfect to stick in a handbag or nappy bag to keep little ones amused whilst out and about. They could even point out what vehicles they see on journeys and never be far from their favourite JCB diggers.
Soph has loved making little digger scenes with the sticker book this week, the perfect rainy day activity and so creative too.
Do you have a little one that would love the JCB range? Which bits are your favourite?