For anyone that may be new to the FriYAY Linky or may not be a blogger, these posts are for everyone to read and bloggers to link up their favourite posts (written or photo based) from the week, making a pretty good reading list each week to get stuck into. There are all sorts of posts and every week can be so different, I love the variety these guys come up with. If you scroll down you will see the posts that have been shared this week as well as the button to link up your own posts and photos if you blog yourself. There aren't many rules for linking, but please do have a read through below.
Happy Friday one and all... It's the Summer holidays for us and if you're a parent I hope it is for you too? Six weeks of no school runs, worrying about packed lunches or school washing has heaven all over it! The house was trashed by 9am and the first 'I'm bored' moans began at around 11am, but I absolutely love it. We had an epic PJ day today with films, snacks and an afternoon of tidying which bizarrely the kids seemed to quite enjoy, I feel that may be short lived.
Blog wise I've been playing catch up (yes still!), who knew just one week away would cause so much work! We've had some fun review bits for the kids this week which is perfect timing for the holidays and rainy days at home, with a little craft time and working on my very own desk and work area! I'm so happy to have a little work space just for me.
Thank you to everyone that linked up last week, I loved all the posts as always, but the 'In Our Shoes' post from Jen over at The Hollyhock Door really hit me. I thought the post was just about an amazing charity shop buy initially, but it was so much more and a lovely read.
This week I'm linking up our craft time from this week, I can't wait to see what you've all been up to and get reading. Have a great Friday and weekend!
Now it's over to you guys and your link ups this week. As always I'd appreciate any sharing of this linky to help get more people involved! Feel free to link up a few posts too as I love reading them. All posts are shared on my Twitter account with nearly 8K followers too.
A little reminder about the FriYAY Linky #FriYAYLinky
Each week you are invited to link up your favourite or most popular posts from that week. You can link up any posts from the week that you would like to share. Anything goes for this one, just a nice mix to give us some good reading (or nice pictures to look at!) ready for the weekend! I'd LOVE it if you joined in and helped share the linky love by using the hashtag #FriYAYLinky and tweeting all your great posts, big and small.
1. Link up your favourite posts of the week from any genre.
2. Pop my badge (code below) somewhere on your post/blog.
3. Comment on a few other posts when you have time, it's nice to share the blog love.
4. If you want to, tweet me @wafflemamauk and #FriYAYLinky and I will retweet.
That's all! Happy linking :) I can't wait to see what you have all been up to.