With then end of term before summer just a stones throw away, those of us slightly less organised folks will probably be getting in a bit of a panic about those end of term teachers gifts.
What should we buy? What do they want? Should we buy anything at all? I can just imagine how much rubbish (sorry!) they get given and someone told me the other day their teacher husband got given a framed picture of one of their pupils. I mean seriously, is this a thing? Do people really expect them to display it proudly in their family home or old class room?
I've seen some beautiful adult made crafts to buy, but my thoughts are if I was a teacher would I want ten key rings or cuddly toys? No, I'd probably want cake. I think a thoughtful card from the kids can be enough but wondered if this was the case from a teachers perspective?
I thought I'd look at some more general solutions and ideas from other parents too. Having asked other parents, as well as teachers, these are the gifts that seem to have triumphed. I'm pleasantly surprised at how home made and low price gifts and cards seems to take preference!
More from parents & teachers...
Emma - I usually get a body shop mini bath/shower set as so many teachers go away in the 6 weeks. For the only male teacher my children have had I got a football sports flask. He supported Man U so I got that one.
Becca - I bought some glass milk bottles and filled them with a picture from my daughter and chocolates this year as she is leaving Preschool and we needed 6 presents for staff! As a TA before having Mia, I always appreciated homemade things more than a box of chocolates!
Claire - My kids have made these Pick & Mix Jars for their teachers this year.
Naomi - I'm a teacher and love most things food related or wine. But I usually give Starbucks vouchers as they are a treat.
Franki - We have clubbed together to buy the teachers and assistants in the class (there are 4 all together) a voucher for a restaurant. It makes it cheaper for us but a better gift for them, I hope. http://wonderfulchaos.co.uk
Danielle - This year I have gone for a voucher for afternoon tea for my son's year 2 teacher. I wanted something special as she's been awesome with him and his recent diagnosis of aspergers. I figured she could do with a treat before she moves to reception and has the pleasure of my 4 year old. www.blogbybaby.com
Nikki - I am afraid I am not very adventurous and usually go for big selection boxes of biscuits or those big tubs of chocolates. At least this way they will always have snacks in the staff room! www.yorkshirewonders.co.uk
Jaymee - I have brought some glass jars and filled them with boiled sweets. I need to just add a little label which will read "Leaving you sucks!"
Vicki - I've bought an educational gift for my daughters nursery I got a grow your own butterfly's kit so they can use it every year.
Vicki - I've bought an educational gift for my daughters nursery I got a grow your own butterfly's kit so they can use it every year.
Erica - We have got a male teacher to buy for the first time this year, which makes it even harder I think. I was going to go with the bottle of wine idea, but I've decided to get some craft beers instead. http://92three30.com/
Becka - As an early years professional in a preschool I also love homemade gifts...edible or decorative. I especially love cards where the child has had a go at writing their name.
Katy - My favourite things to get at the end of term are something useful, notepads, pens etc... all teachers love a pretty notepad! I also just love if I get a lovely message of thanks in a card, a picture a child has drawn, something that means the world to them and shows they appreciated the time I gave to them. Of course all gifts are appreciated but please, no mugs! I have a cupboard full of best teacher mugs.
www.whatkatysaid.comGet making...
So it seems that it's not lavish gifts that go down well, or that even the majority of people buy. It's a token of appreciation and even home made is well received. I'd never thought of clubbing together with other parents for a voucher of some kind but what a great idea! Buying a gift for the class room such as the butterfly kit is pretty genius too, what a fab idea.
The other winner by far, asking not just parent bloggers but also on a Mum's group page was hand made cards from kids. Having taught the kids that year (especially for younger ones), having a card written by their pupil or with a drawing of theirs on is something to treasure and can mean a lot more than bigger store purchased gifts.
With that in mind, here's a few craft favourites that you and your child could work on ready for the end of term next week.
The Soccor Mom's Lady bug card - There's Just One Mummy's Cactus grow card - Daddilife Helping me grow card - Life Simply Lived Butterfly card
So there we have it, a little round up of what other parents are up to this end of term. What will you be doing?