Monday, April 16, 2018

Mama Life || Soph Gets Her School Place

This week us parents of September school starters got to hear if our little ones had got the school of our choice. For Soph, we only put one school down and were lucky that she got her place or we would have had to move Alf to another school with her - major faff!

As much as I think she is ready for it some of the time, she's still my dinky dot, my baby and I am SO not ready for both of them to be at school full time. I don't think I've even got used to Alf being at school, so both of them being there five days a week is a horrible thought.

I feel like most parents are excited by this stage of their lives and everyone talks about getting their lives back and the next chapter. I hate the thought of being alone all day though, I hate the thought of having to work all day instead of having fun with the kids and in all honesty I hate the thought of having my life back, what does that even mean? For me, my life really started when I became a Mum and I'm fully aware that is really cheesy but it is true. I've enjoyed being a stay at home/work from home Mum and it feels like pure craziness that this stage of our lives has nearly come to an end. 

So today is bitter sweet, we have her school place at the one we wanted her to go to, but it's another painful reminder that the baby, toddler and pre school years are done and we're onto the next level. I am not ready.

Do you have a little one starting school in September too?