We've always loved an Ikea trip, but since having children we've learnt to appreciate the value for money as well as the practical products to help babies, toddlers, kids and parents. I thought I'd share some of our favourite Ikea buys over the years that have not only been a bargain, but lasted well and worked far better than dearer alternatives.
1. Antilop High Chair | 2. Leka Rattles | 3. Bevara Clips | 4. Trofast Storage Units | 5. Kex Biscuits | 6. Smaska Beakers | 7. Ingo/Ivar Table & Chairs | 8. Trogen Step Stool | 9. Spritta Apple Slicer | 10. Mini Strandmon Chair
For independent little ones that like to help in the kitchen etc, we love these little steps. Chunky, solid and brightly coloured these steps are easy for kids to move around with the built in carry handles and super easy to put together.

For weaning babies through to primary age, there's everything you need from sets of plastic plates and cups for around 60p and all the cuttlery your little ones need to practise eating solo. Although we loved the two handle baby beakers, these dog beakers are still in use and we've had several sets over the years. These are cheap, easy to clean, super cute and just have the right amount of flow for big kids as well as those just moving to bigger cups.

It's amazed me how many people haven't seen or used an apple slicer, they are just the norm aren't they? If not, then one for these for around £1 from Ikea is perfect for quick, perfect apple slicing for your little ones (big ones too!).

For keeping snacks fresh, storing half eaten yogurt tubes and keeping frozen food in the bag, these clips are amazing and we've used them for so much since having children - even keeping toys safe in the pram and emergency hair clips for me! This is one of those things you just have to chuck in your basket and will love.

Having tried pretty much every high chair over the years, the Ikea version has been our favourite of all. This one has straps included, pops together easily and has no sneaky bits for food to hide in making it very easy to clean. For tiny babes you can get an inflatable fabric covered cushion to add comfort and support, making this the perfect investment from weaning to toddler - it's super cheap too!

Storage is the biggest battle when it comes to having children. With toys, craft supplies, dress up clothes and all those little bits of plastic that just seem to appear from nowhere, the Trofast units are a brilliant solution for places like bedrooms and kids playrooms. You can get drawers in varying colours to suit your space and they just provide big cheap stylish storage that's easy for kids to use and simple to build.

Having kids is messy and we have to embrace it, with every splatter of spaghetti and speck of glitter, kids can and will make a mess and it's all good. To save being overly precious about things like furniture, finding affordable solutions that can be easily repainted like this table set are just the ticket. You can wax, varnish or paint these however you wish or simply cover with off the roll vinyl to protect the wood and neatly staple underneath. With something like this you can do all the fun stuff, let them play or explore but have something that still looks nice, doesn't take up too much space, can be cleaned easily and made over once looking tired.

I love the baby toys in Ikea, from fluffy plush cuddly animals to brightly coloured stacking cups there's some great buys and gifts from just a pound or so upwards. One thing Soph adored when she was a baby was these kitty rattles which look very sweet, come in two colours with an awake side and sleeping face side and a gentle rattle inside. These are perfect for little hands but also look sweet and being from Ikea, they are low price and easily replaced if lost.

Every trip to Ikea we grab a box of their alphabet biscuits which are very yummy and great for snack time as well as help learning letters or even decorating birthday cakes!

The Strandmon chairs are one of my all time favourite things in Ikea and although we are yet to get one, these mini kids versions are beautiful, fairly well priced and really look adorable in a room, especially next to the adult version.

We're off to Ikea tomorrow for more! What are your family favourites in store?