After exploring all things Viking and watching the live battle reenactments, we wandered in the woods for some exploring, bug hunting, tree climbing and general fun. Here's a few snaps from our day. I love the weekends but being out and about like this makes it so much harder to get back into normal life on Mondays!
The kids favourite part has to be this mini village of wooden huts. There is always special 'brooms' made from fallen pine branches so the kids get to work sweeping out a little house and playing make believe. This part is always the hardest part to move from, they get so sad leaving their little houses!
A rare picture of me and the kids that isn't taken as a selfie. I love taking photographs and as much as I'm not a huge fan of being in them, it is nice to have some to look back on and show I was actually there, not just behind a camera all the time.
The kids had lots of fun in the shelter building area, rolling logs to find bugs and looking for pretty flowers and plants. They get on so much better out and about, I think we may have to live in the wild!
A long and lovely day to remember, with lots of fresh air, walking and maybe even a cheeky ice cream. What's your favourite weekend day out?