May has been an odd month, I've felt really out of whack and pretty down for some reason. With the end of the month bringing the horrible events in Manchester, it didn't really get any better! I'm ending the month feeling a little more positive though and feeling really thankful, which I think is a must having seen (once again) how short life really can be. Here's some of my favourites from May, I hope you've had a good month!
Wearing - I've had a bit of an overhaul this month, shopping for slightly more summery clothes and trying to wear less black. While I'm waiting to shed the couple of stone I gained last year, I've decided to sort through my clothes and store away all the ones that are currently too small. Having clothes that I can't get my butt into staring back at me every day is really depressing, so for now it's going away so I can focus on feeling good and wearing what fits.
Food & Drink - We've had a couple more barbecues this month which has been my highlight but I also had a really nice meal at Zizzis with my Mum, I was so full and nearly even left some food which I never do! We've been trying to eat a little healthier and I've had a stock of Slim Fast in for the mornings we are in a hurry to stop me grabbing unhealthy food on the school run which has been really handy, I actually really enjoy it too.
Watched - During may we've watched the new series 'White Gold' on iPlayer which has been really good, I didn't know what to expect but it's great. We've also caught up with the latest series of Better Call Saul (Breaking Bad spin off) as well catching up on the soaps.
Disliked - Last month the main thing aside from the awful aftermath from Manchester has to be my absolute hate of bullying and in particular this month, adult bullies! I was subjected to a bit of light trolling on Twitter and I must say it always shocks me how grown adults can be mean and rude to complete strangers, jumping to (wrong) conclusions and making others feel low. How is it good for anyone? Does it make people feel good? I literally have no idea but it really gets my back up.
Disliked - Last month the main thing aside from the awful aftermath from Manchester has to be my absolute hate of bullying and in particular this month, adult bullies! I was subjected to a bit of light trolling on Twitter and I must say it always shocks me how grown adults can be mean and rude to complete strangers, jumping to (wrong) conclusions and making others feel low. How is it good for anyone? Does it make people feel good? I literally have no idea but it really gets my back up.
Loved - I've loved having a day away shopping and having a bit more me time ready for half term next week and lots of family time, I can't wait!
Most popular blog post - My most popular post this month aside from my giveaway post, was a tie, between my post summing up my feelings after Manchester, and a DIY guide to fidget spinners. I didn't do a great deal of posts last month due to my laptop finally packing in. Fingers crossed my next one doesn't get watered by a toddler too!