Saturday, January 13, 2018

Home Style || 5 Ways To Re-Home Rubbish

We're all thinking a bit more now about what we waste, what we recycle and how we can prevent needless plastics and other rubbish products ending up in places they shouldn't. It's fun to find a new lease of life for things, but when something just isn't of use for your own upcycling ideas, it has to go.

A whopping 16% of the cost of things we buy contributes towards the packaging which usually goes straight into the bin or recycling. This means that not only are we paying for this 'rubbish', but we're chucking it away without a second thought. Most the work has to come from the manufacturers, they need to be smarter and more efficient with the packaging and potential waste to start with, but until things catch up, it's a good idea to think of ways we can reduce, re-use or re-home before we have to recycle.

recycling ideas crafts upcycling

There's a few simple steps we can take to reduce our plastic waste for example not using straws, remembering those re-usable bags and opting for alternatives like shampoo bars, but what about all that unavoidable packaging? 

I thought I'd share a few ideas that could help to re-home potential waste, finding it a new purpose or place to live, other than heading straight off to landfill.

Reduce, re-use, re-home and only then, recycle...

1. Ask online locals

You'd be surprised what people may want to take off your hands, so this is a great place to start. From cardboard, glass, tiles, ceramics, jars, clothing and fabric scraps, your trash could absolutely be useful to someone else. Ask on local sites if anything can be donated to anyone in need for arts or crafts or whatever project they have up their sleeve. You could even set up your own 'one man's junk' type page for other people nearby to get involved in the swap. 

2. Donate for junk modelling

Many schools and nurseries do junk modelling with the kids. Although ultimately these could still end up in a bin somewhere, it at least gives the item a longer life and means someone can enjoy it. Ask in local schools and nurseries if they do junk modelling, and if so what sort of items they may be collecting. Usually it's clean small boxes, empty plastic bottles, lids and clean card tubes (not toilet tubes) and these will be re-modelled into whatever idea the little creative dreams up.

3. Donate carrier bags

Despite having to pay for bags now, many of us still have quite a stash growing and obviously the last thing we want to do is throw these away. Since the bag charge though, many charity shops that supply a free bag are crying out for donated bags for their customers and it's a great way to safely de-stash some of your collection without harming the environment.

4. Donate towels and bedding

Old towels and bedding are large and bulky and can't really be re-homed unless they are in very good condition. It may be worth asking local rescue centres or even vets though if they are in need of any old towels or bedding to use in their facilities. A few stains won't put off an animal in need, it saves them money and saves another chunk in landfill.

5. Re-Home leftovers or unwanted food

A simple shout out online and you could re-home food that's still good but won't be eaten by you. When you have a clear out in the cupboards and find those tins of god knows what that you don't want, don't just throw them away, bag up and donate to a charity, or ask if any friends would like to have them from you. Someone in need may be so grateful for that tin or that half a lasagna, so it's always worth asking.

The main focus for us all now should be reducing the potential waste we are bringing into our homes in the first place. The problem is though that it's not all avoidable and although we can make a few simple switches to help the general cause, it's not going to all happen over night. In the mean time, finding a new home or use for just a few of the things we throw away can make a big difference.

If you have any more ideas for re-homing rubbish, please leave a comment below.