Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mama Style || January Favourites

What a cold, wet and grim month January has been! With the constant threat of snow, more rain than we've had in the past year and far too many layers being worn, January wasn't set to be too creative on the clothing front, with everything being covered by big coats and bobble hats! I'm definitely one for being warm rather than feel I look good, definitely makes me old and I couldn't care less!

January though has had a bit of a theme other than just keeping warm with coats and hats. On the few brighter days, I've broken out my new brown biker jacket from Primark which I love, it's super soft faux suede and so comfy to wear. I've also been rocking the dungaree dresses a lot as always, with a new denim embroidered one from Red Herring and a new plain black one this week from Primark.

I'm quite liking my wardrobe at the moment and my favourites have to be the jacket as well as Peacocks Alexa jeans - best. Jeans. EVER! Seriously, if you struggle to find jeans that fit right, cover your bum and are comfortable please give these a go.

Our bedroom is in need of a serious overhaul and part of that will include an even more serious clothes clear out. I seem to have built up a bit of a stash again and mainly wear the same things so I'm going to try and create a bit more of a capsule wardrobe, along with 40 pairs of black leggings of course! I love that I'm back wearing jeans again though, even though they are as comfy as leggings, they're not leggings so make me feel a lot smarter and a little more stylish.

For Feb, I'm hopefully going to have had the big clear out leaving me with only clothes that A - fit and B - I love. All the rest has to go, I can re-shop for new things I love, but having so much 'meh' clothing is not the one.

What have your favourites been in January?