I'm certainly no fashion Yoda, but it is always good to know whats in, mainly so I know whether I'm going to enjoy shopping in the coming seasons and also, have clothes to wear that I actually like.
For Spring Summer this year, I'm pretty hopeful of things to come and actually quite excited to see how the predicted trends will translate in stores. Of all the things to be 'in' I'm really happy with the coming trends and thought I'd share some of my favourites here.
Pastels & Crayola Brights
First up is colours. I'm not a huge fan of pastels, so this doesn't thrill me but I do intend to embrace more colour this summer so just maybe a little more pastel blue will appear in my wardrobe. I have a totally Marmite relationship with bold colours, I think they're beautiful, bright greens really suit my skin/hair tones but i really have to be in the mood.
There isn't much in between with me, I'm either Mortisha black head to toe or all unicorns and rainbows! It totally depends on the day, how bloated I'm feeling, if my hair is up or down and what mood I'm in. I do like the idea of more bold single primary/crayola colours though so I'm pretty pleased about this trend.
80's/90's Style & Sportswear
I'm actually a big fan of sportswear when it comes to jackets. I love my Adidas originals jackets and have always loved polo style dresses. I quite like the big bold logos and printed texts that are in fashion but being a bigger lass, I'm not sure I can quite pull it off. I do love the contrast 80's style blazer though so I think I may have to try this on. I'd have to dress it down with a tee, jeans and trainers though. 80s/90s/sports gets a thumbs up from me, I really hope the high street will have some nice stuff and not go to OTT with stupid slogans as they tend to do. There's nothing worse than finding a nice top and then noticing a big #YOLO or some rubbish on the back is there? I'm old, I know.
Trench Coats & Trainers
I've always been a fan of macs/trench coats and I think they can be so flattering for pretty much every shape and size if you buy the right kind. I love the idea of dressing them down more as I'm usually put off that they won't really go with my usual skate/should have grown up by now style and sneakers. I love the fact that trainers are in considering I pretty much have to wear them for everything, every day! I love the check slip ons and they are bang on for SS18 too, check me out.
Checks Dots & Florals
As I've mentioned several thousand times before, I love floral and it never really gets old for me. I'm liking these kind of 90's/Gwen looks (right top/bottom) and I've always loved polka dots too. The top left picture has the check/dot/80's vibe so it's bang on but would make me look like some kind of ornate sofa. The mustard with ditsy floral print is beaut and I actually really like her beret in the picture too! I'm hoping to see more of those in shops as so far they've all had some kind of wording embroidered on and I want a hat to be a hat, not a statement.
So that's my favourites from what we are likely to see coming up over Spring Summer this year. I've deliberately missed out the fringed edge clothing trend because, well, fringed edges...
What are your favourite trends for this year?