We love growing plants from seed in our home and grow our very own chillies every single year. I am known in my family for not having particularly green fingers, but every year I try again and I must say I am getting there slowly and improving ever so slightly! I definitely didn't inherit my parents gardening skills though. My son grew some sunflowers all by himself this year and he was so so proud of himself, I was too. He showed a little patience this time which was great, compared to last year where he took them out the soil for 'a walk' about two days after they sprouted - goodbye sunflowers. Being able to grow plants quicker and easier without any mess would be amazing though, wouldn't it?
I was recently asked to review a cool new gadget called the Seed Pantry Grow Pod. If you aren't familiar with this product, it's designed to produce ultra-fresh food indoors with no soil, no mess and no hassle. The pod is a smart, automated system for growing plants quicker, ready to eat and totally organic. You don’t need to be a gardener or green fingered (thank god for that in my case), the Seed Pantry grow pod does all the work for you! It's perfect for growing herbs, salads, and fruiting vegetables in your kitchen, desktop or in schools. I can't wait to get started with my grow pod and I just know A (4 years old) is going to love watching them grow too!
Along side the Grow Pod itself, we were sent a seed kit containing 'grow medium' packed with nutrients and three types of seed. In our pod we will be growing 'salad bowl lettuce', 'Chilli Basket Of Fire' and 'Classic Italian basil'. We buy all these things regularly so it will be great watching them grow fresh in our house all year round, I can't wait!
Along side the Grow Pod itself, we were sent a seed kit containing 'grow medium' packed with nutrients and three types of seed. In our pod we will be growing 'salad bowl lettuce', 'Chilli Basket Of Fire' and 'Classic Italian basil'. We buy all these things regularly so it will be great watching them grow fresh in our house all year round, I can't wait!
I will be reviewing the Seed Pantry Grow Pod in full soon, but I thought I would just introduce it first, so I can keep you updated on our growing journey!
I have unpacked all my goodies and everything is now ready to grow. I will save all the details for the full review, but it was so easy! I just had to fill it with water to a line, add two AAA batteries, pour in some of the ready made grow medium and pop the seeds through the spacer guides - simples! I love a simple instruction booklet and this was so quick and easy to do. The unit is really neat and compact and looks great in our house!
I will update this when our goodies start to grow, alongside our full review and hopefully (crosses fingers cats/children/husbands don't eat my plants) with some green leaves to show you!
Thanks for reading,
Disclosure - we have been sent a product sample for review in exchange for an honest review that shall follow, all words are my own.