November has been lovely, I've loved the darker evenings and cooler days and although I'm dreading snow it's been nice layering up for the colder weather and getting excited about Christmas. Our house is looking better after a big decluttering session and I'm cracking on with lots of work. In the next few weeks we've got lots of birthdays, parties and Christmas shopping to do and I'm really looking forward to it. Here's a little of what we got up to in November.
Wearing - Once again this month has been mostly super casual and cosy, with a little fluff thrown in. I'm back to loving all black again and on the odd day, my Alexa jeans from Peacocks which are THE best jeans if you struggle to find a good fit and want something comfy. I have embraced colour some days, with rainbows for a memorial day for a little boy and on other brighter days. I'm loving the fluffy collars from Primark too which are just £6 but feel really lovely on.
Food & Drink - We've been enjoying our new induction hob and making the most incredible steaks on it! We've been trying to eat more as a family too so enjoyed pizza nights and lasagna, perfect for cold winter evenings. I'm a little addicted to anything super salty at the moment like crisps so I will try and wean myself off those after Christmas. I've been having the odd shake as a meal replacement purely out of ease and time, so hopefully that will balance things out!
Watched - I've been glued to Netflix recently and enjoyed watching Sinners which was amazing, as well as Skin Wars, Sabrina which I'm still unsure about, The Good Place, Good News and this week it's all about Riverdale which is a bit like a less whiny more violent Dawson's Creek. I've ditched most the soaps but do still Love a bit of Eastenders and we've been watching the Apprentice which as always is packed with hopeless candidates and lots of terrible decisions.
Disliked - The rain has been the most annoying thing this month. I love the cold but rain just makes everything so much more difficult and less enjoyable.
Loved - I've loved starting my Christmas shopping and getting Adam sorted first as I always struggle with what to get him. I've also really enjoyed seeing all the lights going up and everywhere looking a little more magical.
Most popular blog post - My most popular posts published in November were;
So that was November for me, how was yours?