November has been a mixed month of highs and lows. Although I've lost a little weight, my mental health has dipped a bit as I've delved into trauma therapy sessions and just feel pretty low. Although our kitchen stress is over, we've been left with two damp spots on our walls, which considering we've been battling with the damp in this house for 9 years, is pretty depressing and not helping me stay positive. I have tried to keep walking when I can and don't shy away from extra steps but my mojo has seriously upped and left when it comes to the gym and swimming sadly. I feel at this time of year my mood always takes a bit of a thrashing, with all the colour leaving for Autumn, darkness coming earlier and being pretty cold and miserable outside, I just want to hibernate.
With Christmas coming, I'm aiming to at the very least not gain any more weight and I'll try again after Christmas to shed some of the excess pounds which are starting to feel a bit much at the moment. On a positive note, my therapy sessions have been really helping me get my head around things that have happened, so to be fair to myself that has been quite enough to think about this month so I should really just be proud and focused on that.
One thing that's really helped clear my head this past week is decluttering the house as I find that the more I get rid of, the less is on my mind - it really works! We've still got a fair way to go before we can relax and get in the Christmas spirit, but it was a good start and the air feels clearer at home.
I've been trying to get out with my camera more to get some exercise whilst doing something I enjoy and that's been great, although it's mainly mushroom pictures this time of year! I'm still suffering from low vit D and iron, so I'll be keeping up with those supplements in December again and hopefully the side effects (pain, low mood) will be lessened too.
So my main goals for December are to not gain weight (hopefully lose a little), not go crazy at Christmas but enjoy myself, try and walk a little more when I can and just generally be a bit kinder to myself and give in to the hibernation days because sometimes I think that's just what's needed.
What are your health goals for December?