Since having my son A in 2011, I have suffered lower back pain that has had me bed bound a few times and been excruciating at times too. I hated taking strong painkillers that felt like they were knocking me out, but I had little choice and have spent many days of his early years in somewhat of a daze. This past year has been a lot easier as I have lost a fair bit of weight, but I do still suffer and I am undergoing physio for my hips which are apparently the cause of the back pain. Having it all realigned is great, but it does still give me issues and pain, which I prefer not to take medication for if I can help it.
I was contacted to see if I would like to try a drug free method of pain relief (yes please), a product called Acti-Patch that boasts great pain relieving qualities and can be worn for up to eight hours relief (yes please again).
The device simply attaches to an elastic belt with velcro and can then be switched on. The light will glow green when it is working, ready to be strapped in place. The belt was very soft and comfortable to wear and it didn't irritate me having it on.
Having recently had the physio for my hips, I do have a bit of a dull ache pretty much constantly which this has helped with. On a day where my back had 'gone' completely and I was having severe spasms, I didn't find it to relieve the pain a great deal, but I'm pretty sure it took the edge off. I didn't have any miraculous pain relief from this device, but for anyone that suffers with back pain regularly knows, any relief is welcome and this certainly helped. I didn't like wearing this at night but it is a really good way to ensure the best pain relief.
The ActiPatch is definitely worth a try if you are a fellow pain sufferer and they also do patches for other areas such as knees and elbows. You can buy ActiPatch on Amazon
as well as Boots.
The ActiPatch is definitely worth a try if you are a fellow pain sufferer and they also do patches for other areas such as knees and elbows. You can buy ActiPatch on Amazon