Sunday, February 07, 2016

Ten Minute Nest Cakes: Cook With Kids

These are just the ultimate quick fix when your child wants to 'bake' at home aren't they?  They are also the perfect activity if your little one has a very short attention span like mine, or is just there for the spoon licking and bowl scraping!

I usually just use a cheap value supermarket chocolate, which costs around 30p for 100g and add whatever cereal we have in stock. We usually use any brand of cornflakes, but this time for extra naughtiness (not that I can eat them *stomps feet*) we used Kellogg's Coco Pops combined with milk chocolate and a chocolate egg on top, as a practise run for our Easter shenanigans. We have made rocky road ones before too including melted butter, marshmallows and Saltanas,  you can really pop anything in that you have to hand. Everyone loves a crispy cake!

What's your rainy day easy bake/make favourite?