Friday, February 05, 2016

Photography: Project 360 - Thirty-Six

I've managed to stick to the Keto way of life (low carb, high fat) since Monday which is pretty mega for me. Although it means more cheese and bacon (woohoo), it does also mean no chocolate (except a tiny bit of 90% cocoa) no cake, no bread, no potatoes, no hollow Carbtastic calories whatsoever. 

We got a Friday night Chinese (it was one of those weeks that needed to end in a takeaway!) which was my first in a long time.  I managed to resist the urge to get my usual sugar plagued dishes and opted instead for sauce free meat and fried vegetables. It was probably the nicest Chinese meal I've ever had and I was so proud I didn't go off track. 

Needless to say I left my fortune cookie for the kids to share, though the fortune was to travel to exotic places, so I'm keeping that bit for myself!