Sunday, September 27, 2015

Biker Days: Intro

As soon as he physically could, our son A has loved propelling himself along on anything with wheels, even our poor dog has had attempted saddle ups more times than I'm sure she would care to remember. We have had all sorts from the normal baby ride-ons, vintage Raleigh trikes, Scuttle bugs, balance bikes and more recently - his big boy bike, last years birthday present that just had to be orange.

Mr. Waffle is a keen (not sure they get much keener) mountain biker. He loves it all from the bike parts, bike maintenance, watching biking videos and speeding downhill in the forest. It comes as no surprise that A has followed in his footsteps, though I was keen to let him make his own mind up about what he likes, it seems nature has taken him in the same direction. My little biker dude! His baby sister S is heading the same way too, so it looks like we are now officially a bike family - waffle on wheels? Bike wafflers? Something like that.

I have decided to keep everyone updated on A's journey into the world of bikes (as well as the rest of us) in my new feature - Biker Days. A is so talented and at just three he rode his bike with no stabilisers on his first try - pretty impressive! We will be trying out different bike related products related to children's biking, family biking and even some adult bike bits to for those days when Mr. Waffle and I get a child free hour or two in the forest. I will share our biking adventures and any days out we have exploring the great outdoors. My bike has a front baby seat for S now too, so we are all good to go!

Thanks for reading and watch this space!
