This week it is my absolute pleasure to introduce you to the lovely Caragh, a creative crafter living on the small but perfectly formed, Isle Of Wight!
Name: Caragh
Age: 32
A few facts about you: I live on the Isle of Wight with my husband, cat and 2 children, 6 years and nearly 2, I'm a serial yo yo dieter, I blog about parenthood, like drawing and crafting and I usually have too much to say for myself!
What's your job? I'm a full time Mummy part time crafter at personalisedcharmz and blogger at www. ramblingsofanunqualifedparent. com, I work from home self employed so I can be there more for the kids
How long have you been doing it? I've been a mummy for 6 years and 4 months now, I've been crafting for 5 years in November and Blogging since the start of June
What do you like best about it? Motherhood: I adore my little people, they are awesome, they add a whole new dimension to my life I never realised they could, they make every day worth getting up for, even the pants ones!
Crafting: I love the creative outlet, and I think a little part of me is a natural born sales person, I'm a little bit del boy at heart and it helps I love crafting and creating! Blogging: It's a special little place to unleash my minds inner workings out there and if I'm lucky it makes people laugh too!
What is the worst thing about it? Motherhood: hands down, never getting a babysitter, I love the kids but adult time with my husband and freedom is like gold dust! Crafting: When it gets exceptionally busy at seasonal times and I struggle to juggle crafting round the kids, it's hard when it reaches the point when I have to turn people away! Blogging: It's tough when I post a blog post I'm really proud of and hardly anyone reads it :(
Would you recommend it? Motherhood? It's not for the faint hearted! Crafting? Yes definitely if you have a creative inclination, Blogging: Definitely if you have more thoughts than room in your head!
Any funny stories? Motherhood: I've got dozens....most of them I blog, most recently my son tried to escape under the motorway service toilets door while I was mid pee, he got stuck with just his head still in the cubicle...yep, just another day! Crafting not a lot funny has happened, other than some of the keyrings people ask me to make, they make me chuckle sometimes!?
What's your dream job? To work for pixar animation studios!
Would you carry on if you won the lottery? Given that I said I would stop crafting as my youngest is a tiny tornado, lasted 3 months and went back to it as I missed it so much, I'd have to say yes I would, it's more of a love than a money job!
Thank you so much for taking part Caragh, I'm so with you on working at Pixar - how dreamy would that be!? As for your son getting his head stuck under the toilet door, well that's just got me written all over it! I'm a total klutz and so is my son. You can link up with Caragh and her business on Twitter via @ramblingparent (blog) or @personalisedc4u (craft).
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If you would like to take part in this feature, please email me at
Thanks for reading,