Twinkle twinkle...
As I've mentioned a few thousand times already, I am SUPER exited for Christmas this year. I think with the kids being a little older and both really understanding it all, it makes it even more special and I truly want to make our house a proper little grotto for them. I want the kids to have wonderful memories of Christmas and this year I really want to go all out in every single way, starting with the lights!
I am starting with lights as I think although they are super Christmassy with all the twinkling, they are also something I can get away with putting up a little earlier with the dark creeping in earlier and earlier, to make the house cosy and build up the excitement for December.
Next week, Aldi are launching the biggest ever range of great-value Christmas lights and decorations which are making their way into stores and online on the 17th; Helping Christmas-lovers (like me!) brighten the home and get truly into the festive spirit. The range, which features 13 different sets of excellent-quality lights, will be available in stores and online while stocks last and they really do have some amazing offers from just a few pounds.
I can't wait to get our lights up and the kids are going to absolutely love the 6 foot inflatable Santa that will be present this December! If you too are getting excited for xmas and fancy lighting up your home, I'd really recommend popping to Aldi from the 17th, I've had a sneaky preview and love it all!
Disclosure: We were sent product samples for review purposes, though all words and thoughts are my own.