Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I Love My Home

I love my home, or should I say #ilovemyhome is one of my new features on wafflemama.uk!

With each post I will pick something in my home that I love. It could be something small like a light switch or a lot bigger like a full stair case. The aim of this feature is to try and reignite the love for my home and appreciate the space we have and the ways in which we can use it to benefit our family. It's so easy to fall into a trap of wanting more and not seeing how lucky we are, this feature will have me looking a little deeper into my surroundings and treating my home with the kindness it deserves, it has stood for over a hundred years after all!

I'll also feature any new household items or gifts that we receive as we get them, as I am forever shopping for unique household items.

I'd love to feature other peoples pictures too and they don't have to be the best quality, it's more about the things you love and  if there is a good story behind it like a special souvenir, wedding present, or a wallpaper that nearly caused a divorce, even better. I'll pick a favourite each time and add it to my post along with a link back. All I ask in return is that you share the post when published. 

I'm already looking around seeing little things that I walk by every day and no longer notice!
Thanks for reading,
