Upping the fabric stash!
After a wild Pinterest session recently, my love of fabrics and sewing has really been reignited. I started by making Soph a pretty little lined skirt to warm up my machine, as well as a cute little sock monkey for her birthday, gently easing me back into the world of sewing which is one of my favourite crafts.
I used to have an epic fabric stash, pretty much a fabric room which was soon cleared out and made into a nursery. I'm now restocking my supplies and on the look out for pretty fabrics to make things for me and the kids, as well as our home. It's much more fun having something unique than off the shelf sometimes.
1. Rabbit print | 2. Boats | 3. Floral pinks | 4. Peacock feathers | 5. Cat collage | 6. Woodland fox | 7. Atlas blues | 8. Dodo repetition | Geometric arches.
Back in the day I used to make all sorts of things, from bunting to bags and even started a small business a few years back selling my sock monkeys, which I still love to make from time to time. Since having kids though I have not had nearly as much time to spend on crafts and I really do miss it. It's time to bring it back.
I'd love to make some clothes for Alf & Soph to wear and the fabrics around now are just amazing so it's pretty impossible to choose! I love Etsy & Ebay for unusual fabrics, but also online retailers like Adam Ross and Zazzle.
I've always wanted to make something from atlas fabric for some reason and also learn to reupholster properly at some point with something like this geometric print (above 6). This would make such an amazing feature in room without spending a fortune.
1. Feathers | 2. Unicorn rainbows | 3. Grey bears | 4. Retro floral green | 5. Cat & mouse | 6. Teepee arrow | 7. Floral arrow | 8. Woodland deer | 9. Daisy grey.
I adore colour and pattern and it's definitely the more the merrier for me when it comes to the ultimate fabric stash. I'm going to start off with a few things that take my fancy, like the selections I've put together above, but then try and 'buy as I go' for each project, as it's very addictive once you get started!
I love the idea of letting the kids choose their own fabrics too and they even helped me choose some of these. Soph loves anything flowers and Alf just anything animal or bright.
First Make
So here we have it, my first make since dusting off my trusty machine. It's not perfect but it fits, it's cute and I love it! I've had this fabric in the cupboard for years so it was nice to finally use it. I made it fully lined but I think next time I may just do a single layer if it's thick fabric like this, so it hangs better and would be far less complicated to make.
Next on my list is another skirt for Soph with matching shorts for her big brother! I can't wait to get stuck in and order some fabric and patterns!