Summer is on it's way and what could be better to look forward to, than relaxing in the sunshine with a nice big icy cold glass of fruit juice. I'm excited to introduce you to a product that you may not have tried yet, as well as their very own celebrity fan club!
If like me, you are a big fan of anything cherry flavour, then you will be really excited to try 'Cherry Good'. Cherry Good Juice is a refreshing drink made from Montmorency cherry juice. It's available in a 'light' option too, at only 32 calories per serving and makes a great addition to a healthy diet. I literally can't think of a better juice flavour! There is also a regular version if you like things a little sweeter.
Now I'm really excited to bring you this next bit! Below we have a short interview with busy mum and working actress Tamzin Outhwaite. Tamzin tells us a little about her daily life keeping herself and her family healthy, including her love of her favourite cherry drink.
Over to Tamzin!
1. It must be difficult when filming to
juggle work and family life. What advice do you have for busy
working mums?
My advice would be to not feel guilty; we
all know we’re working hard for our kids as well as for ourselves. It’s
important to enjoy the time you have with them as it’s very precious. For
instance, when I have time off I will hang out with the kids and make sure
we do lots of different things. I also really treasure our time together in the
mornings before they head off to school.
2. How has your diet and exercise regime
changed since becoming a mum?
I don’t worry about what everybody says as
much. I just do what’s right for my body, so I don’t run as much as I did
as I find it can affect my knees. I do much more yoga now (particularly hot
yoga) and it feels like it works better for my body. My body has changed
a lot over the years and I have been all different shapes and sizes. I was
probably in the best shape ever on my 40th birthday!
3. How do you try and promote a healthy
lifestyle to your children?
I try extremely hard to make sure we have
good, healthy food in the house and marry up what they both like without
having too much sugar. My fridge is quite healthy so I do allow a Friday
treat because if it’s once a week it doesn’t feel so bad. When I grew up
we didn’t have sweets, crisps or chocolate as they simply weren’t in the house-
my lunch box was the one with the peeled carrots
and cucumbers!
4. What three tips would you give to a new
mum who wants to make healthier choices?
Don’t give yourself a hard time; we can
all get very stressed as a new mum and I think when we stress ourselves
out, our kids can pick up on it. Try and let it happen naturally, but if you
have good food in the fridge and not too much rubbish around the house
then it helps a lot.
5. How do you start your day?
My kids wake at 6am and that’s always a
really lovely time with them. Often, I will put on some music and the
three of us will dance around the kitchen as they really love music and
dancing. Then we will have some porridge and Cherry Good juice for
breakfast. I like Cherry Good Light but the kids will have Cherry Good Original
as it’s a little sweeter.
6. What advice did your mum give you when
it comes to looking after yourself that you will pass on to your own
Thank you to Tamzin and Cherry good for the brilliant Q&A session and tips!
We really liked this juice. It's a little on the tangier side compared to most fruit juices, it's all down to taste but I prefer tangy fruit to super sweet anyway, so it was a winner for me. It made such a nice change from the normal boring orange and apple juices!
If you like the juice, here is a simple Cherry & Banana Smoothie recipe;
- 100ml Cherry Good Light
- 1 Banana sliced
- 100ml Milk
- Handful of Ice cubes
Mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth and serve - simples!
You can find out more about Cherry Good on their website or follow them on Twitter @cherrygoodjuice.
Thanks for reading,
Disclosure - we were sent a sample in return for an honest review.