I was tagged by the wonderful Laura (great name by the way) from 'Life With Baby Kicks', for a new tag called 'Being A Blogger'. There are so many great things about blogging, as well as a few nags too. This tag enables us to look at all those things and celebrate the wonderful blogging world by sharing what blogging means to us.
Here is my #beingablogger list.
Constantly having to delete things on your phone to take a picture, because your memory is full, over and over again.
Being a blogger is...
Taking pictures of everything, EVERYTHING,because you never know when you might need to write a post that needs a picture of a skip in it - or a one man band!
Being a blogger is...
Having too much to say and fingers that don't type quick enough. It makes me realise how much I probably used to talk peoples ears off instead!
Being a blogger is...
Feeling creative again and being excited about lots of things. Fashion, home decor, writing, product testing and everything my children do, I am totally obsessed over, it's great!
Being a blogger is...
Going to bed wide awake because you really just want to go and carry on writing and your head is filling with ideas and you are too excited to sleep.
Being a blogger is...
Waiting for your husband to roll over the other way or start snoring in bed, so you can turn your phone back on and edit some posts.
Being a blogger is...
Being reminded of all the events you would love to attend but can't, constantly!
Being a blogger is...
Being in a community of great people that are helpful, supportive and really appreciate what you do for your blog as well as your family.
Being a blogger is...
Having something that I love, that can actually potentially bring in money, nothing better than that! It's going to be hard work but I really enjoy it.
Being a blogger is...
Constantly making notes on my phone through the day to turn into posts when the kids are asleep.
Being a blogger is...
Sitting writing this when my eldest is at nursery, baby asleep and the housework is screaming at me, I could go and have a beautiful nap but I just get pulled in by my laptop!
Being a blogger is...
Making me appreciate all the small things in life and realising that they are actually big things and need to be celebrated.
Being a blogger is...
Having a new lease of life and being able to share everything with people that genuinely care enough to read it.
This tag was started by Life With Baby Kicks, you can read her original post here.
I tag...
Thanks for the reading,