Friday, June 12, 2015

Quinola - Review

During my weight loss venture, I have heard a few times about the heath benefits of Quinoa and the fact that it's not only filling, but packed full of goodness. I hadn't ever tried it though and I would never have considered it as a choice for the children, just because I really didn't know enough about it and presumed it would take too long to prepare.

My children are three and a half years and ten months old. They both have a varied diet, they aren't particularly fussy and I am always happy to try something new for them. It always feels good knowing they are having filling and healthy foods too.

I was contacted by a company called Quinola and given the chance to try some of their microwave Quinoa meals. These meals come in quick cook microwave sachets - exactly like the quick cook rice sachets you see nowaday's. I was sent both the baby meals, as well as the kids meals and each have a few unusual flavours for children's food that we were excited to try. They were both very different and super quick to cook, in around 30 seconds!

The Baby Food

The baby food range is completely organic and is the UK's first completely vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free baby food. My initial thought of the 'Pinto Bean' baby food is that like all baby food, it didn't look all that appetising, it did smell nice though, you could smell the healthy beans and it had a good texture for a weaning baby. My baby (S) wasn't too keen on the bean flavour baby food, but I think it was more because she is older and has four months of eating under her belt and prefers food she can pick up with her hands now too, so no reflection on the food itself. I did try making 'patties' with the baby food by moulding it into a burger shape and frying in a squirt of fry light. When baby could pick it up she seemed a little keener (this is not something that was recommended - just something I tried!). Baby S did seem to quite like the Swede and Parsnip flavour though and she seemed happy to take some of this one directly from a spoon.

Baby food patties - slightly preferred by baby.

The Kids Food

The kids food comes in some amazing flavours. Tex Mex, Thai Curry and Mediterranean. The kids food was so flavoursome and tasty, I would have happily eaten it myself! The preferred flavour seemed to be the Thai Curry, which I gave the kids with strips of plain Naan bread (just because we had some in). As baby likes to use her hands I stuffed her bread with the Quinola and she loved it, as did her brother. My eldest isn't fussy but I do run out of food ideas, since trying this I have tried other items such as risotto which he will now happily eat, so it has really helped broaden our meal ideas. If I got this again I would definitiely buy the Kids food for baby as well as my toddler. I think the baby food would be suitable for more of an early 'weaner' or perhaps one that hasn't been more 'baby led'.

This kids food was ready so quickly it would be a great cupboard staple to keep in for busy days and can be eaten hot or cold.

Quinola have a broad range of products and you can find out more by visiting their website.

Thanks for reading,
