Welcome to the first post in my new 'What's your day job?' feature! If you missed my original post you can find it here.
Name: Claire
Age: 28
A few facts about you: I live in Leeds, I was once pushed from a bungy platform... And I eat out a lot.
What's your job? It's top secret, no I'm not a spy, it's far less interesting than that.. but my unpaid job is my food blog Breadsticklers, it takes up most of my free time.
How long have you been doing it? Since 31st May 2011
What do you like best about it? I have learnt a wealth of things about food since I started writing my blog, I've met many interesting people and made new friends. I have done things that I never thought I would do, such as attend new bar and restaurant openings and even help one restaurant with their menu development (I obviously had to try everything on the menu to make sure my input was truly valued ;) )
What is the worst thing about it? The competitiveness. The (restaurant) food bloggers of the world are very competitive, it sometimes feels that it's a race to see who can eat at and blog about the newest place in town first, who can get the most views and publicity. I have to remind myself frequently that wasn't the reason I started food blogging and it doesn't matter how popular my blog is as at the end of the day my blog is primarily for me, a food diary of sorts.
Would you recommend it? I'd definitely recommend blogging as a hobby, it takes up a damn awful lot of time though so you need to be dedicated. A lot of people start blogs and then a few months or a year down the line their blog is just lying redundant and more often than not they just *disappear* from the social networking world. If you can make some money out of blogging , and I know some people do, then great but at the end of the day if you're getting stressed from blogging it's perhaps time to take a break.
What's your dream job? My dream job would be a full time writer, where I can spend my time at home in my study in my little cottage in the countryside, writing when inspired and taking the dogs out for a walk when I'm feeling less so.
Would you carry on if you won the lottery? I'd definitely carrying on food blogging if I won the lottery, imagine all the food I would be eating then! Fine dining, food in far off countries. I'd quit my day job and take it up full time!
You can find out more about Claire and follow her tasty adventures by visiting her website www.breadsticklers.co.uk.
Thanks for reading,