A week ending in happiness, tiredness and romance! What more could you want (except the tiredness part). Largely wedding related this week, as that was our big highlight!
- Going to a perfect wedding, seeing a perfect couple get married and start a new chapter.
- Gaining a new sister (in law).
- Feeling pretty and happy in my wedding attire.
- Watching an amazing firework display with my son in my arms and a happy tear rolling down my cheek.
- A perfect park walk in the sunshine.
- My baby smiling so hard her dimples appear.
- Feeling the most pride towards my children at the family wedding.
- People noticing my weight loss efforts.
- Seeing my son make friends.
- Watching my son grow from a toddler to a boy, whilst trying not to blub continuously as it happens.
That's this week's ten, have a great happy week and enjoy every second.
Thanks for reading,