It already mystifies me how my second baby has grown and changed so quickly. In one day, just a few weeks ago, I noticed five amazing things, one day!
New tooth - OK, they all grow teeth but this was just one thing, a new tooth, tooth number two.
Suddenly a size bigger - Literally in a day she went up a size and wiped out a full collection of clothes that simply won't fit. I'm so glad this doesn't happen to me!
She climbed the stairs - Not celebrating this one greatly, as it adds yet another worry onto my day, but yep up the stairs she went. Not cool!
She napped in her cot, in her own room for the first time - Seeing as this is something that should have happened months ago, this was a pretty big deal! She's now in there at night too, I miss my little bed monkey.
She stood unaided - Yep, just got up let go and stood there, on those tiny mini pasty feet, as if she had done it her whole life. I'm yet to see her do it again since though, that must have been enough of a taste of freedom.
What on earth will this baby be doing in a month! These babies need to slow down, it's total craziness. Baby S will be one next month. ONE! Tell the doc he can take his time machine and stick it where the sun doesn't shine, I want to live in real time please!
Thanks for reading,