OK I admit it, I am a total make up addict. I love buying it, trying it, putting it on, even cleaning it off! I've been known to take it off only to re-apply before bed when I've been make-up shopping, shortly before cleaning it off again! I have always been the same and I was fascinated as a kid too, I loved wearing big stage makeup for dance shows, I think it was my favourite part! My favourite make-up bag staple is my lipstick.
For the last 13 years I have worn bright red lipstick pretty much every day! I don't know what it is. Maybe because I am so pale, drawing lips on actually gives me a people face (ha), or the fact that I feel a gazillion times more glam and happy with it on! Either way, I love it and it's my little bit of happy - however shallow that may be. My signature shade and brand is Maybelline 24/7, number 510 called 'Red Passion'. It is just the best lipstick and lasts so well! I think this all began with a teenage 'No Doubt/Gwen' obsession, an obsession that hasn't gone away, how amazing is she!?
If you ever see me without lipstick I am either ill, have sore lips, or I am in a terrible mood! The general rule of thumb is that if you see me without my signature red lipstick on, you need to run a mile to the nearest ditch and hide there. Red lipstick really cheers me up and I think there is a red shade to suit most people too, you should give it a try!
What's your favourite make-up item? I love trying new things!
Thanks for reading,