I am starting a few new features on my blog, this one is called 'What's Your Day Job?'. I love listening to people and learning about their lives and have decided to do this regular feature, in which I'll ask people a series of questions about their job, be it a full time blogger, fireman or Baker, I'd love to hear from you and find out more.
If you'd like to feature, please email me. It doesn't matter how boring your job may be to you, I would love to know more. If you are a blogger or run a business I will link back to you within the post and just ask that the post then be shared and linked back in return via social media. You don't have to be a blogger to take part! The posts will just involve a few set questions and a picture. I hope you will love reading about people's lives too.
I hope to hear from you soon!
What's your day job?