My kitchen makeover!
When we moved into our home we had lists and lists of things that needed doing. Some structural, damp work, walls taking out etc etc. The list was huge. It still is! We are getting there though and I will share a few of our room makeovers with you over the weeks.
These pictures are of our kitchen before and after. As always our budget was slim to none. Before, our kitchen was dark and dingy. There is ample wood cladding around here and unfortunately the Swedish sauna look just doesn't cut it anymore. To take the wood panelling off would have led to a can of worms and god knows what! the worktops looked like mouldy cellulite, the oven had had it and everything just looked old fashioned, stank of smoke and was in dire need of a good clean and uplift.
We replaced the worktops, added end strips, replaced the cupboard door knobs with slightly more chic metal ones and painted the woodwork. We painted cream on the doors and brilliant white for the ceiling and outer walls. The inner feature wall was painted an Olive green. An old yellowing strip light was replaced with a new chrome set and we were given a newer and much nicer oven (thank you brother)! We also hung a door on the open pantry as it let in so much cold and looked untidy. All in all, we revamped our kitchen for around £150, it's not perfect but a good transformation and suits our style and needs.
On my home buys wish list for this week are these honeycomb mustard colour mugs from Wilkos, I love them!
Guest spot!
This week I'm featuring a picture from Olli, who has revamped his 70s esque hallway with some pewter Wickes paint, replaced the banisters with wooden spindles and brightened up everything with modern white paint, it looks amazing!
If you'd like to show a little something in your home, it doesn't have to be a whole room it can be anything from a door knob to a pantry, please get in touch.
Thanks for reading,