Spray and tone!
I was recently sent my third item by US brand Insta Natural to try out and review. I have already used two of their products recently (Vitamin C Night Cream and Scar Gel) and I have been really impressed with the outcome and very noticeable improvement to my skin. You can see my review for the moisturiser here.
Pore Tightening Vitamin C Toner
As you are probably beginning to learn, I do not have the strictest beauty regime, well I didn't until I turned 30 and began to panic at the way my skin was aging - quickly! I have used toners before and they are probably one of my favourite beauty items, but I've never really found a brilliant one. I was excited to try this one from InstaNatural after seeing my pores visibly reduce from their magical moisturiser previously.
First impressions
I was surprised when I opened the packaging to see a spray bottle, I expected an open top 'apply to cotton wool' type bottle. I found the packaging a little hard to read in some parts but the instructions were clear, telling me to spritz over my face. I am not a fan of getting my face wet (it takes a lot for me to wash my face in the shower!) But to give a fair trial I did as I was instructed, closed my eyes and sprayed. I had my initial 'face wet - help me I'm drowning' panic, but it was soon soaking in nicely and I began to feel the effects. It's actually quite light and refreshing on the skin. I did wipe gently with a clean cotton wool pad, though you don't need to. Please note, that to most normal people the face spraying part wouldn't be an issue, so please don't take that as a negative! It came more of a surprise as I've never used a similar product that was to be applied in this way. After the first try I actually quite liked spraying it on, and think that more products should be distributed in this way.
Instant results
I did feel an almost instant freshness/tightness to my skin and I quite liked the smell which reminded me of a rose water kind of smell. After the toner, I applied my InstaNatural moisturiser and the two together made my skin feel refreshed, squeaky clean and youthful. A dynamic duo for sure. I went to bed afterwards, feeling that my skin was being cared for while I slept.
These products aren't a bad price as they do work really well and are really noticibly better than more budget items I have purchased on the high street.
Prolonged use
I have used this toner every night now for two weeks and I can say that I do notice a difference in my skin, it does look smoother, more even and my pores don't seem as gaping as they did before. Used with the moisturisor they really do make a wicked combo. I've gone to bed with squeaky clean fresh feeling skin every night and woken up with a fresh face ready for applying my makeup, which is made easier by the improved surface. (I use noticibly less foundation now).
Other thoughts
In my opinion, the packaging for InstaNatural doesn't quite reflect the quality of the items within. This toner is another example. I do love the brand though and I would recommend them as a great beauty buy. This toner is no exception, it's really different and to be able to see visual results speaks for itself. Price wise, if I hadn't tried them, they would seem a little expensive. Now I have tried this though, as with the other treatments I would say the price is very good and the results are what I would expect from a higher end product. I look forward to the continued use of these products and seeing what else Insta Natural bring out in the future, because I genuinely feel the age of my skin has been reduced and it doesn't get much better than that.
This toner retails for £17.95 (on sale) currently on Amazon and you can visit InstaNatural at their website, www.instanatural.com for full product information.
Thanks for reading,
Please note - I was sent this product in return for an honest review. The thoughts and words in this post are all my own.