My chosen photo for this week is a quick phone snap of one of the barons on the 'baron trail' in Lincoln!
I have a lovely photo of my husband (that's not him above) being welcomed home by my children - which would have made a perfect Sunday photo, especially on Father's Day. I have however, already used it on my 'Happy Father's Day' post, so I didn't want to repeat it and instead chose this.
I strapped baby in the pram and we headed out for some much needed fresh air and exercise. If you don't know about the Baron trail you can find out about it here! Below is a little collage of some of the others, they were really fascinating , so well painted and I'm just jealous I didn't get to paint one myself! The barons were presented to celebrate 800 years of Magna Carta.
I'd like to say that baby S was as interested as me but no, spoons for the win as always!
Thanks for reading,