Another week, another weekly treat! I feel really lucky for having these treats, but it's such a little thing I don't know why I don't do things like this normally, we all should! You should too.
This weeks treat came in the form of a LUSH fresh face mask, courtesy of the mother ship. Cheers Ma!
I've tried a few Lush products recently after being lucky enough to review some - and they are all fab. This face mask is made of seaweed, aloe vera, kaolin and honey. It's really thick and luxurious and as it's a fridged product it goes on feeling nice and cool and it is really refreshing. It tightens up and feels weirdly good. This was the perfect end to a long hot lovely day. I've used it sparingly so I can have another face mask tomorrow, it's a big pot! Love it.
Here is a picture of me looking like a scary sea monster. Raahhh!
My skin feels super soft now! It's time to relax and watch the Sopranos. Ahh.
If you've discovered any little treats, tasty snacks or drinks you think I may like for this feature, please let me know. I think this is my new favourite part of the week/blog! Sshh don't tell anyone...
Thanks for reading,